
Unhappy Meal

A couple of years ago, I was waiting for a train at Edinburgh Waverley with some friends. We'd spent the weekend celebrating a friend's birthday at Mar Lodge and had a great time mountain biking, ceilidh-ing, playing snooker in a big room with stag heads on the walls and of course, eating and drinking.

As all good things must come to an end, we'd pretty soon be on a train back to London. Much like at the end of a big night out (though partly through lack of choice), we felt compelled to visit KFC. As we left to find our platform, I noticed this little guy on the bottom of the fries container.

She never loved you anyway...

She never loved you anyway...

Of course I knew that the happy little guy was only trying to encourage people to recycle their rubbish, but somehow at the time—maybe it was consumer guilt, or the fact that a lovely weekend was coming to an end, perhaps it was just the Scottish weather—I just thought it looked like he was throwing his heart away.

Anyway, a couple of years late, I put this together.